Clean Fuel for a Clean Energy Future
Focused on exploring for, defining and developing economic ISR Uranium resources – GTI Energy is part of Wyoming’s Insitu Recovery (ISR) uranium mining revival.
GTI saw the US uranium supply collapse and anticipated the coming surge in demand for domestically produce uranium as a key part of America’s drive for homegrown, sustainable clean energy solutions. This led us to position GTI to be part of the resurgence in demand for uranium using the lowest-cost and cleanest method of mining uranium, ISR.

Our Partnership
By constantly evolving the GTi Energy brand presence, Coup has assisted the company in its evolution from exploration to resource development.
All you can eat
Through the constant work in evolving the GTi Energy Investor Presentation, Website and Brand identity, Coup was able to assist the company with its evolution from early stage Uranium exploration, through to declaring a JORC resource.
Biden’s Legislation
With the ban on the import of Russian uranium into the US on the agenda for the past few years, Coup has worked with GTi Energy to help build the peripheral messaging around the Uranium market, and how this builds momentum into the companies value proposition.
Industry Applications
As a part of the Coup’s work with GTi Energy, we integrated with industry application like Bird and Web Broadcast, to help amplify the company message to both Investors & Potential Investors.
Lachlan Horn
Managing Director
Consumer Behaviour Consultant