High-grade assays of 6.78% Niobium oxide and 3.71% Tantalum oxide, returned from within the Company’s wholly owned Critical Elements Project
These results back up the previously reported assay results from rock-chip samples of 32% Niobium oxide and 12.4% Tantalum oxide
Assay results confirm Niobium rich target zone with a potential Total Rare Earth Oxides (TREO) strike length of up to 1.5km
Assays further highlight the discovery of high grade critical heavy rare earth oxides (HREO) which include: - 7226 ppm Yttrium oxide - 3430 ppm Dysprosium oxide - 4880 ppm Ytterbium oxide - 2760 ppm Erbium oxide - 450 ppm Terbium oxide
Significantly, all three of the Company’s granted tenements have returned highly anomalous TREO results >500ppm to a maximum of 25,652 ppm or 2.57% TREO